Thursday, September 22, 2011

10 Happiness Mistakes

1. To delay to do something important until you have some “free time,” because you may never have any free time.
2. To retreat into isolation when you’re unhappy.
3. To neglect to make a small change because you think a big change is necessary.
4. To refuse to consider a big change because you assume you can only make a small change.
5. To “treat” yourself to something you wouldn’t ordinarily permit yourself, because you’re feeling blue.
6. To postpone something important until you’re feeling healthier, or thinner, or married, or whatever.
7. To think that you can “make” someone else be happy.
8. To imagine that what’s true for other people is true for you.
9. To spend too much time, or not enough time, thinking about the past, present, or future.
10. To ignore the truth about your own temperament, interests, and aptitudes.

--  Gretchen Rubin of The Happiness Project

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